How many times have you woke up with a splitting headache and feeling nauseous after a long night of drinking?
I've done it plenty of times. Last week I was out celebrating a friend’s birthday and ended up having a few too many drinks. I woke up the next day with a bad head, but it didn’t last long How did I get rid of the hangover? I didn't have more alcohol, I didn't guzzle fizzy pop, or have a greasy McDonalds. I stayed hydrated with water and went for a walk. I didn't workout at full intensity; it was just a brisk walk, enough to get a little bit out of breath and elevate my heart rate slightly, How does exercise help get rid of a hangover?
When people first think about starting an exercise programme they're often unsure where to start.
Joining a gym can be daunting if you don’t know what exercises to do, or how to use the equipment. Going running on your own can be intimidating. If you’re a beginner to exercise and you find yourself in this situation, group training could be your solution. Joining a class can help build a foundation and structure that you can use to fuel your personal health journey for years to come. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits: If you’re feeling unmotivated for exercise, you’re not alone! We all go through slumps in motivation when we would much rather lie on the sofa watching Netflix than go to the gym. No matter how many motivational quotes you read, or tips and tricks you try, there’s always going to be times when you find it hard to get motivated. But, the truth is, sometimes you just have to DO IT WITHOUT MOTIVATION… Because, motivation often comes AFTER the action. Especially where exercise is concerned. When you exercise your brain releases endorphins, you feel awake and energised, your self-esteem grows and you feel better about yourself, so it leaves you feeling… MOTIVATED! As you get older, your body may not be as fit and efficient as it used to be, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got to give up on your health and fitness all together.
In fact, it’s even more important to stay fit and active so that you can maintain a good quality of life; physically and mentally. At East Coast Fitness we’ve got lots of boot camp members, over 50 years old, keeping fit and having fun every week. Some of them are fitter now than they were in their 30s and 40s! It’s fantastic to see them all looking after their bodies and living a healthy lifestyle. For many of us, alcohol goes hand in hand with fun and relaxation.
So, it’s no wonder why many people want to know how much booze they can get away with drinking and still achieve their health, fitness, and fat-loss goals. As a social drinker myself, I really, really want to tell you that this article will end with the kind of advice I’d like to hear: “Go ahead! Drink as much wine as you want and enjoy effortless weight loss!” Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple. And as fun and relaxing as a glass of wine can be, it will not help your weight loss goals. If you're trying to lose weight, the good news is that you can still enjoy a coffee!
In fact, it can actually be very helpful with weight loss if you use it in the right way. Caffeine is a stimulant and can help improve your focus. It makes you feel more alert and can spur you on to be more active. On the other hand, too much coffee has the opposite effect. It will make you feel sluggish and tired. My advice is: ‘Diet’ drinks like diet-coke, coke zero, and pepsi max can seem like a health-conscious choice because they have less calories than sugary soft drinks. But, the chemicals and artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks can be just as harmful to your health.
1. It confuses your body Artificial Sweeteners have more intense flavour than real sugar, so over time diet drinks can dull your senses to naturally sweet foods like fruit. More alarmingly, they also have the same effect on your body as sugar. Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain. 2. It could lead to weight gain, not weight loss Diet drinks are normally calorie-free, but it won't necessarily help you lose weight. In a recent study, diet drink consumers had a 70% greater increase in waist circumference compared with non-consumers. Participants who drank two or more diet fizzy drinks a day experienced a 500% greater increase. This is partly down to the way artificial sweeteners confuse your body, and partly down to psychological reasons… If you know you're not consuming any liquid calories, it easier to convince yourself that having chocolate biscuit instead is ok. It doesn’t matter what your fitness goals are; whether it’s weight loss, body building or running, the key to getting results is progression.
At first, you just need to be consistent with your workouts. But as the weeks go on, your workouts must increase in intensity if you want to continue to see results. You must challenge your body in order for it to change and get fitter. But how do you know when it’s to increase the intensity or change up your workout routine? The Workout Is Suddenly Easy When you start a new routine, you feel the burn in the first set and by the third, you’re probably struggling to finish. The longer you do the routine, the easier this becomes—until it’s too easy. During the exercises, you need to feel challenged in order to see results. If you started using an 8kg kettlebell and you struggled to get through the workout, but a few weeks later you can complete the workout quite easily, it means your muscles have adapted too much and it’s time to increase your weight or change your routine. Another way to gauge it: the last 3 reps should be the hardest reps to complete. If this isn’t the case (and all the reps kind of feel the same), it’s time to switch it up. You’re Bored On the psychological side, sheer boredom is a cue that it's time to change it up. If you’re bored of your workouts, you’re going to lose the motivation to push through the last few sets, meaning you won’t get the best out of your workout. And even more importantly you’re at risk of losing motivation all together and you give up completely. You’re Not As Hungry You should feel hungry after exercise. After a tough workout your body repairs the muscle fibres that gets broken down during the workout. It needs protein and nutrients to generate new muscle protein strands—hence the reason why we should feel hungry when we have a good workout. If your workouts are easy, then there are no muscle fibres to repair and our bodies don’t ask for extra food. Your Heart Rate Is Low One of the easiest ways to tell if your body has adapted to a routine is your heart rate. If you are monitoring your heart rate and it's staying relatively low when it should be working very hard, most likely you have adapted to your routine. To ensure your body is being challenged, aim to keep your HR at 60-80% of your max for most of any HIIT or cardio routine. Once it drops below this for the majority of a workout, change your routine. (To work out your max heart rate do this quick calculation: 220 - your age). You’re Not Sore Every time you have a good workout and challenge your body you should feel a small level of soreness. When you start a new routine, or get back into the gym, your next-day aches are going to be pretty painful for the first week or two. The aches won’t be as bad the more your muscles adapt to the moves and stress. Even the fittest people will be a bit sore after a great workout when they haven't yet adapted to it. Once that ache in your abs or soreness in your legs is gone, that’s good indicator that you need to increase the weight, repetitions, or overhaul the routine entirely. You Aren’t Seeing Any Changes The mirror doesn’t lie: You should see the physical effects of a workout four to six weeks after hitting it consistently. Nutrition plays a huge part in this, but if you are keeping your diet on track but are still not seeing any physical changes, the most likely culprit is adaptation. If you’re experiencing any of the above and would like to try something different, you can try us out from as little as £10 for 1 week. For all of the details go to |
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